Address Eligibility Lookup
Address Eligibility Lookup uses interactive search applications to identify which school a student is eligible to attend (Which School do I Attend?) and if they are eligible for transportation (Can I Ride a Bus?) based on the address, school board, grade and program the user inputs.
Which School do I Attend? Users interested in enrolling in a school identified using this tool are encouraged to contact the school to verify enrollment eligibility before taking any action based on this information. Although we make every effort to ensure the information within these search applications are as current and accurate as possible, neither STSTB nor the school boards assume any liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions.
Can I Ride a Bus? A result of not eligible for transportation outlines the path used for distance calculation, but you may prefer another route if choosing to walk or wheel to school. Going over your chosen walking route several times during the summer will add to student comfort and safety when school starts in the fall. There are also pedestrian safety resources in our Active School Transportation section which may be helpful. If you're a family with a walking student, consider making the walk a family affair. Be safe, have fun, and enjoy the fresh air!
Your use of these eligibility applications confirms your understanding and acceptance of the above.
NOTE: Due to Ministry of Education funding changes, eligibility distances for transportation by grade will change effective for the 2024-2025 school year. To check eligibility for next year, Select 'Can I Ride a Bus?' below and on the next screen change the 'School Year' selection at the bottom of the screen to 2024-2025 before entering your address information.